4a Let's engage!
- What is in this module?
- Powerpoint presentations with notes
- Games
- Exercises
- Relevant reading
4a IFRC Strategy 2020
The IFRC Strategy 2020 asks for a special focus on young people not only today
but also for the future, recognising their particular role in strengthening communities.
4a IFRC Youth Policy
The IFRC Youth Policy passed at the General Assembly in 2017.
4a IFRC Solferino Youth Declaration
The Solferino Youth Declaration that summarises a 10 year commitment for young
people in the IFRC (2009).
4a Youth as agents of behavioural change (YABC)
Youth as Agents of Behavioural Change (YABC) is the IFRCs flagship initiative on the
promotion of a culture of non-violence and peace (CNV+P).
4a PASSA Youth - empowering young people as agents of change in 21st century
Adapting the Participatory Approach for Safe Shelter Awareness (PASSA) methodology to take
into account young people as agents of change.
4a World youth report - youth and climate change UNDESA
Report highlighting the important role played by youth in addressing climate change
and offering suggestions on how young people can contribute to adaptation and mitigation efforts.
4a Unless we act now - the impact of climate change on children
UNICEF report building the evidence base on the impact of climate change on children
and the policies required to protect children from these risks.
4a The benefits of a child-centre approach to climate change adaptation
Joint UNICEF and Plan report highlighting some of the evidence in an economic
argument for a child-centred approach to adaptation.
4a Y-Adapt concept note - guide to implementation
An updated guidance note to accompany implementation of the Y-Adapt curriculum.
4a Climate Centre Youth Strategy 2018-2020
The Climate Centre’s youth strategy for 2018-2020 presents our youth engagement objectives
for 2020, to be implemented with a view to longer-term continuity.
- Red Cross/ Red Crescent example(s)
4a Youth on the move - Global Red Cross Red Crescent youth at Solferino
Video summarizing the youth events celebrating the 150th anniversary of Red Cross
Red Crescent, including the Solferino declaration which includes a commitment to climate change.
4a Haiti Red Cross - Y-Adapt Session 1
Haiti Red Cross youth, Nippes branch present a real-life example of youth as
agents of change; youth-led action to reduce dengue fever in their community.
- Films
4a Climate change turning the tide - IFRC
Explains why it is crucial for the Red Cross/Red Crescent to understand the changing risks
and prepare for them rather than only respond to the consequences by IFRC [8.18]
4a Learning to address climate change - UNESCO
This video demonstrates in four minutes why climate change education is important to
shape sustainable development and how it works in practice by UNESCO [4.23]
4a The disarming case to act right now on climate change - TEDX
Speech by Greta Thunberg, a 16 year old Swedish climate activist about why
urgent action is needed on climate change by TEDX [11.12]