1b. Climate and the Red Cross Red Crescent
The Red Cross Red Crescent is strongly committed to helping tackle climate change. This module explores the many different themes related to our climate change agenda, and the commitments made over the years by the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement.
Action on climate change should reach the most vulnerable, and we need to continue to raise our ambition for this agenda, together with governments, the private sector, scientists, civil society and others.
Highlights in this module are the PowerPoint slide-deck and many examples of National Societies which have already been working on the topic for more than a decade.
- What is in this module?
- Powerpoint presentations with notes
- Games
1b Paying for Predictions
This is our number one game to explain the consequences of acting or
not on acting on climate and weather information! -
1b Invest in the Future
A card game that combines story-telling and strategy to engage players in thinking
about sustainable development investment decisions. -
1b Race for Risk Reduction
Two teams test their ability to respond to a crisis using existing opportunities. -
1b Shocks and Shields
In this physical game, especially appropriate for large groups, players explore having to
migrate as a result of shocks.
1b Paying for Predictions
- Exercises
- Relevant reading
- 1b Movement ambitions to address the climate crisis
- 1b Global commitments on climate change in resolutions RC international conferences
- 1b The Climate & Environment Charter For Humanitarian Organizations
- 1b IFRC Climate change disasters displacement report 2018
- 1b Climate change and the Red Cross Red Crescent - stocktake
- 1b Case study Greening IFRC Supply chains
- Red Cross/ Red Crescent example(s)
- Films
1b Summary of Movement ambitions
The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Ambitions to address the climate crisis are
summarized in this short video (2:49) by the Centre for the Cooperation in the Mediterranean.
1b Haiti and 1.5 degrees
In this film, 12 Haitians share their personal and intimate experiences with
climate change, recounting how their country has changed in their lifetime
while weaving a tapestry of individual and collective hope. -
1b The human face of climate change
The global climate is changing, and the people all over the world are
confronting new, more severe risks. Climate change will have major
implications for humanitarian organisations like the Red Cross Red Crescent. -
1b Climate Change is NOW
Visit Kiribati Red Cross - carrying messages to the international climate
negotiations calling for urgent action to build the resilience of the people
most vulnerable to climate and weather extremes around the world. -
1b Climate Change, turning the tide - IFRC -
Humanitarian impact of climate change and global perspectives
The increase in weather related disasters is further complicating the work of
humanitarian organisations. It is therefor crucial to understand the changing
risks and prepare for them rather than only respond to the con -
1b Beyond response: adapting to climate change at the Red Cross
This documentary looks at how the Indonesian Red Cross prepares itself
and vulnerable communities to adapt to the new challenge of climate change.
1b Summary of Movement ambitions
- Frequently asked questions or checklist