3a. Policy dialogues and finance
Engaging in dialogue with national governments, meteorological offices, knowledge centres and civil society can help you influence how climate adaptation is perceived, implemented and funded.
Resources for adaptation are increasingly available at national level, and we hope your National Society can secure funds for adaptation and climate-smart disaster risk reduction or resilience through dialogue with government.
We need to engage in this agenda to ensure that risks faced by the most vulnerable people are addressed and the effort to do so adequately funded.
Please note that this module is the most complex of the series, depending on the political context of different countries and the changing international policy landscape. All products need to be tailored to context and appropriate wording.
This module consists of three sections:
1. The international context of negotiations on climate change
2. How to engage in national and local adaptation planning dialogue
3. Climate finance.
In addition to this module, please note that we also have a two-day course on influencing National Adaptation Plans and Nationally Determined Contributions.
- What is in this module?
- Powerpoint presentations with notes
3a Presentation - Global policy dialogues on climate change
This presentation explains some of the global climate change dialogue processes
and the need of bringing experiences of our local realities to these processes. -
3a Presentation - NATIONAL level dialogues NDC and NAP
This presentation explainst why is it important for the Red Cross Red Crescent Societies
to engage on National Adaptation Planning (NAP) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). -
3a Presentation - Climate Finance
This presentation supports our dialogues on climate finance and explains how climate finance
investments need to be geared to the humanitarian concerns of the most vulnerable locally.
- Games
3a Spot the Status
Often without realizing, we are sensitive for status in our conversations with policy makers.
This game plays with our attitutes and behaviours in dialogues with high level actors.
3a Decisions for the decade
Games work extremely well with policy makers. This games helps participants to understand
the need to invest in preparedness prior to disasters and can be used as an effective tool
to influence.
- Exercises
3a Exercise 1 Mapping climate effects on vulnerable people
This exercise will bring a common understanding of the different ways in which changing
weather patterns impact vulnerable people. Local adaptation needs and case stories are
key for dialogues. -
3a Exercise 2 Identifying key messages for dialogue
This exercise will support national societies to develop strong key messages for policy
dialogues. -
3a Exercise 3 A role play: engaging in policy dialogues
This exercise offers a fun role play, to practice policy dialogues in different settings. -
3a Exercise 4 Policies synergies in humanitarian, development and environment agendas
This is a great exercise to identify synergies and coherence in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR),
limate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Ecosystem Management & Restoration (EMR) policy
messages. -
3a Exercise 4 - papers slips for cutting
This file contains the materials for exercise 4. -
3a Exercise 5 Climate Finance - finding information
This is a working group exercise to support Red Cross Red Crescent staff to find relevant
information on climate finance in their country. -
3a Exercise 5 Presentation Climate Finance - finding information
This presentation supports exercise 5 and can help the facilitator to walk through the steps
in the OECD DAC database.
- Relevant reading
3a A global advocacy guide on disaster risk reduction - by IFRC
3a IFRC Legislative Advocacy Toolkit_Facilitators Guide
3a IFRC Legislative Advocacy Toolkit_Participants Handbook
3a Minimum standards for local climate-smart DRR
3a Guidance note for climate finance training
3a IFRC NationalAdaptionPlans guidance
3a Expert Perspectives Using NDC NAP SDG - by IISD and NAP Global Network
3a IFRC Checklist on Law and DRR
- Red Cross/ Red Crescent example(s)
3a Added value of National Societies in NAP development
Armenia, Georgia, Kenya, Malawi and Nepal Red Cross Societies championed engagement
in NAP processes and generated insightful case studies on this experience. -
3a Why Red Cross Red Crescent involvement in NAP is important
This document explains why it is so important for the Red Cross Red Crescent
to engage in NAP dialogues and provides a few examples.
- Frequently asked questions or checklist