3a. Policy dialogues and finance

Engaging in dialogue with national governments, meteorological offices, knowledge centres and civil society can help you influence how climate adaptation is perceived, implemented and funded.

Resources for adaptation are increasingly available at national level, and we hope your National Society can secure funds for adaptation and climate-smart disaster risk reduction or resilience through dialogue with government.

We need to engage in this agenda to ensure that risks faced by the most vulnerable people are addressed and the effort to do so adequately funded.

Please note that this module is the most complex of the series, depending on the political context of different countries and the changing international policy landscape. All products need to be tailored to context and appropriate wording.

This module consists of three sections:

1. The international context of negotiations on climate change
2. How to engage in national and local adaptation planning dialogue 
3. Climate finance. 

In addition to this module, please note that we also have a two-day course on influencing National Adaptation Plans and Nationally Determined Contributions. 



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