3b. Partnerships and consortia
In this module we explore the importance of partnerships for the management of climate risk and climate dialogue. We discuss the need to collaborate with stakeholders ranging from governments and knowledge centres to the private sector.
Working on climate adaptation or climate-smart disaster risk reduction requires an understanding of climate impacts, and the use of new information and expertise.
Knowing how your country and your operations can be affected by climate risks is key, as well as using climate information on different timescales to reduce risks of weather-related disasters.
In this module there are three components:
- Networks and partnerships relevant to dialogue on and investment in management of climate risk
- Lessons, opportunities and challenges on working in consortia
- Engagement with the private sector engagement, including a working paper in the relevant reading section.
Highlights of this module are:
- National Society experiences, including a nice overview of successful collaborations
- Relevant reading, including in-depth guidance on how to collaborate with hydro-meteorological services,
and a working paper on collaboration with the private sector.
- What is in this module?
- Powerpoint presentations with notes
3b Partnerships for climate action
Addressing climate change requires all actors to work together. This presentation explains
the necessity of partnerships and offers numerous examples of fruitful collaborations. -
3b Collaborating with partners in consortia
This is a dedicated presentation on the opportunities and challenges of working in consortia
to invest in integrated (climate) risk management.
- Games
3b Decisions for the season
A game about aspects of long-term investments under uncertainty, with a
special focus on financial preparedness needs. -
3b The Third Space
A short game to explore collaboration in large teams, especially relevant for
working together to increase climate resilience. -
3b The Tree of Knowledge
A short game that will explore the process of co-producing knowledge and coming to
integrated solutions in a changing world. -
3b Farming juggle
A physical ball game in which participants become farmers who juggle various priorities. -
3b Zap - whoosh
A short game that will explore the different ways we work together and collaborate
in relaxing times and times of pressure.
- Exercises
- Relevant reading
- Red Cross/ Red Crescent example(s)
- Films
3b New urban drought challenges for businesses in sub-Saharan Africa
The 2015/2016 El Niño exposed new urban drought challenges for
businesses in southern Africa: water supply disruption and
hydroelectric load shedding. -
3b Partners for Resilience in India
Partners for Resilience (PfR) PfR is an effective partnership that
combines ecosystem management and restoration, landscape approaches,
climate change and DRR. -
3b Experiental learning to understand climate change
This short video explores how we can use experiental learning activities
and games to explore complex situations in partnership and was shot
during a workshop at the University of Cape Town. -
3b Partners for Resilience in Indonesia
This video shows the work of the Partners for Resilience Programme
in Indonesia and specifically the approach of combining multiple fields
of expertise in the Integrated Risk management approach. -
3b Preparing for Transformative Scenario Planning in India
This video shows a method, which helps stakeholders from diverse perspectives
to discuss a complex issue by collectively developing a range of relevant and
plausible future scenarios and their possible outcomes.
- Frequently asked questions or checklist