2a. Early warning early action
This module is designed to help facilitators cover early warning early action and the role of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement therein at community, national and global level.
It explains how to make use of climate information on timescales from days to months for effective early action. It also elaborates on the forecast-based financing (FbF) approach and IFRC forecast-based action within its Disaster Relief Emergency Fund.
The module can be considered as a starting point of the other modules in Section 2, offering a basis for examining whether the communities we serve are prepared to deal with increasing extreme events.
It is inspired by and aligned with IFRC guidelines developed over the last 15 years. See also the German Red Cross manual and website on FbF. (The IFRC and Climate Centre are grateful for the support of German and Netherlands Red Cross for FbF.)
- What is in this module?
- Powerpoint presentations with notes
2a Presentation early warning early action - an introduction
This first presentation provides an introduction to 'early warning early action'
principles and provides a base for the other more in-depth elements of this
module. -
2a Presentation operationalization of early warning early action
Following the introduction, this presentation provides more in-depth steps for
implementation. -
2a Presentation Forecast based Financing - the basics
The innovative Forecast based Financing approach, is proving its successes.
This presentation explainst the basics of mobilizing money and early action,
based on forecast triggers.
2a Presentation Forecast based Financing - Advanced
For those national societies already underway with the FbF or FbA approach,
we provided more advanced slides to explain some of the more complicated
components and lessons. -
2a Presentation Understanding forecasts for early action
Explanations of how to move from forecasts to definining early action steps.
- Games
2a Paying for predictions
This is our number one game to explain the consequences of acting or
not on acting on climate and weather information! -
2a Decisions for the decade
A game designed to support learning and dialogue about key aspects of long-term
investments under uncertainty. -
2a The great forecast based financing quiz
This quiz is a fun way to test peoples' knowledge on forecast based finan-
cing! -
2a Ready!
This game can be used to explore localised contingency planning when
faced with changing risks. -
2a Seasonal forecast game
This game can be used to introduce thinking about actions based on
probabilistic forecasts. -
2a Climate message
Experience the difficulties of communicating warnings in a fun and quick
way. This game can take less than 30 minutes. -
2a Social protection juggle
In this participatory activity, players become subsistence farmers who face changing
risks and government officers. Players must make individual and collective decisions
with consequences. -
2a Before the storm
This is another decision-making gamem designed to introduce weather
forecasts and possible actions to take against natural disasters through
different roles.
- Relevant reading
2a Social protection in a changing climate
Climate Centre report on social protection in a changing climate - making systems
adaptive through climate information and early action. -
2a Resilience solutions: exploring social protection linkages to forecast-based financing
BRACED policy brief exploring social protection linkages to forecast-based financing
as part of resilience building efforts. -
2a Collaborating with your HydroMet services
Guidance note on how to enhance collaboration with Hydro and Metereo-
logical service providers and the Red Cross Red Crescent. -
2a Early warning early action handbook - IFRC
This handbook explains the basics of early warning early action for
the Red Cross Red Crescent. -
2a Community based early warning system - IFRC
The IFRC guiding principles on community early warning systems. -
2a Early warning systems toolkit - IFRC
A IFRC training toolkit for community based early warning systems. -
2a WMO multi-hazard early warning checklist
This is a strong checklist, developed by WMO on multi-hazard early
warning systems. -
2a Forecast based finance Manual
Developed with the German Red Cross, a full digital guide with
technical guidance for the design of Forecast-based Financing interventions. -
2a IFRC webpage on Forecast based action by the DREF
This is the link to the IFRC webpage on forecast based action by the -
City Heatwave Guide for Red Cross Red Crescent Branches
Practical actions that can be led by Red Cross Red Crescent branches in preparing
for, and responding to, heatwaves in towns and cities. -
State of climate services and early warning systems
- Red Cross/ Red Crescent example(s)
2a IFRC Case Studies: Disaster Risk Reduction in Action
A great publication, with multiple examples on forecast based
financing, starting on page 51. -
2a Experiences of national societies with forecast based financing
This offers a short compilation of different forecast based financing
examples within the Red Cross Red Crescent.
- Films
2a Early warning early action - IFRC
This film introduces participants to the role of the IFRC to enable effective
early warning and early action. -
2a Forecast based action by the DREF - German Red Cross
This film explains the new IFRC early action fund: Forecast-based Action
in the Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) -
2a Beneficiary communication for early warning early action - IFRC
This film presents the benefits of investing in beneficiary communication
strategies. -
2a Seasonal conference and improved coordination and partnerships - the Climate Centre
This film explains the relevance of inter-institutional dialogues and the benefits
of cross-sector collaboration with Hydro-Meteorological Services to enable
Early Action. -
2a Description of the concept of forecast-based financing in animation
This short animation helps participants to understand the essentials
of Forecast-based Financing. -
2a Forecast based financing in Mongolia
This films shows the Forecast-based financing activation in Mongolia
to reduce the risk for Dzud, the winter conditions that affect livestock. -
2a Fantastic animation of the Pacific Climate Crab
A very entertaining animation to improve the understanding of ENSO:
El Niño and La Niña, and the links to early action in the Pacific. -
2a Enabling Early Warning Systems in Tuvalu
Enabling early warning systems in Tuvalu, a strong example of cooperation
between the Red Cross and UNDP. -
2a Working with climate scientist
A short film to explain the nature of the collaboration between
the Red Cross Red Crescent and climate scientists. -
2a World Disaster Report 2009, early warning early action (IFRC)
A decade on and still relevant, this video will help the participants to learn
about the past and present of early Warning Early action within the IFRC.
- Frequently asked questions or checklist