2b. Disaster management and climate
How do climate variability and climate change fit into the work of a Red Cross Red Crescent disaster manager, and how is climate adaptation converging with disaster risk reduction and response? These questions are addressed in this module.
It centres on the core elements of disaster management: preparedness, response and recovery, and ways to make our work climate-smart.
It is closely aligned with the IFRC model known as preparedness for effective response, a unified approach to enhance the capacity of National Societies to respond to disaster and the threat of disaster.
Ideally the resources and slides in this module should be used in conjunction with 2a Early warning early action, 2c Community resilience and climate, 2d Health, WASH and climate, and 2e Urban and climate.
- What is in this module?
- Powerpoint presentations with notes
- Games
2b Before the Storm
A decision-making game designed to link weather forecasts with possible
preventative measures. -
2b Ready!
This game can be used to exploring localised contingency planning when
aced with changing risks. -
2b Decisions for the Decade
A game designed to support learning and dialogue about key aspects of long-term
investments under uncertainty.
2b Social protection juggle
In this participatory activity, players become subsistence farmers who face changing risks
and government officers. Players must make individual and collective decisions
with consequences.
2b Before the Storm
- Exercises
2b Exercise A Scenario exercise
This exercise explores the actions that a National Society (DM department) could take
based on information available at different time scales (years to hours), building on regular activities.
2b Exercise B Disaster Management and climate entry points
In this exercise participants work through "entry points" in disaster management planning
where it is most easy to start climate-smart planning and action.
- Relevant reading
What is climate-smart programming and how do we achieve it?
2b IFRC Contingency Planning guide
2b IFRC Setting up national DPR mechanism
2b IFRC Drought Checklist (Pacific)
2b Green recovery and reconstruction toolkit - American Red Cross and WWF
2b IFRC - Public awareness and public education for disaster risk reduction
2b Minimum Standards for climate-smart DRR
- Red Cross/ Red Crescent example(s)
2b German Red Cross checklist to mainstream climate risks
2b British-Red-Cross-International-Strategy-2019-2024
2b Examples Nepal Red Cross Society DM Strategy
2b IFRC Climate smart programming checklist Sri Lanka
2b Samoa Red Cross Society factsheet
2b Small Simple Actions on Climate Change IFRC 2016
- Films
Survivors guide: flood alert in Mozambique
Red Cross network of community-based trained volunteers are ready
to raise the alarm in villages as soon as the water level starts to rise
and help affected people to move to higher ground. [23:58] English (IFRC) -
Desperately seeking peace - from conflict to climate threats
Old Ismail fled violence in Myanmar and lives with thousands of others
in a Bangladesh refugee camp. Could climate change be making life
even harder?