2c. Community resilience and climate

The Climate Centre collaborates with many partners on the agenda centred on resilience.

We seek to increase the resilience of families and communities by combining approaches related to ecosystems, climate change and climate variability, and disaster risk reduction.

This enables people to better withstand shocks from natural and man-made hazards, and sustain development through settled livelihoods.

The module explains some of the reasons why it is important to address the root causes of risk through ecosystem management and restoration and adaptation, combined with community-based disaster risk reduction.

It offers interactive group exercises such as Circles and a real-life example of a climate-smart community plan for action on resilience. 


Suisse Red Cross Norwegian Red Cross Danish Red Cross Austrian Red Cross German Red Cross Cruz Roja Colombiana Canadian Red Cross Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis Dutch Red Cross The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Partners for Resilience
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